Friday 6 November 2015

True Highlander Army

Last night while painting my Caledonians, I had an idea of a "True Highlander Army"! Basically William Wallace and all the 45th Rifles you can fit in. To keep it easy I basically used the options you get in the 45th Rifles box-set, 1x Rifle, 1x Boarding Shotgun, 2x Chain Rifle. I found if you have seven of those boxes, plus an extra Highlander with a rifle, you can get this: 

William Wallace
8x Highlander Rifle
7x Highlander Shotgun
14x Highlander Chain Rifle

Total: 30 models / 298 pts 0 SWC

I am not sure I am going to do it, but it is a nice "dream project". The cost is not super high and if I buy a box set each month, starting January, I can be finished in July. Practically this is probably a terrible idea for an army list, there are no specialists, no snipers, no heavies, etc but I think it could be quite fun. First, imagine the look on someone's face when you put down 30 of these guys. Then you start with 30 regular Orders, plus at least 25 irregular, which is a huge order pool. Sure plenty would die to long range fire but only MSV Lv2 or 3 would be danger to you, since everyone has smoke grenades! So you are bound to get plenty of them into enemy DZ and wreck stuff. For ITS I would probably scale down to like 20 Highlanders, so I can add in some specialists but for non Objective missions, the full 30 list could be so much fun!

Just picture it, Highlander after Highlander streaming down the battle zone...



  1. Looks nifty!
    Personally now I've gotten Bruant painted I'm debating the merits of a force that includes all the Ariadnan personalities, so William, Uxia, Isobel, Van Zant, Margot & Duroc, Bruant, and then Miranda Ashcroft because why not? 242 points all-in, so 58 to spend on extra bodies...

  2. I think Ariadna All Star Team would be fun too, especially if you get some cheerleaders to support them. I can highly recommend Isobel and Uxia, I think I play them in just about every single list. One day I am gonna geek out in a post individually about them :D
