Friday 23 October 2015

King of the North(ern Open), part I

Northern Open is an ITS tournament in Leeds run by Infinity the Game: Northern Alliance (link to our Facebook group is located on the right). If you don't know what ITS is, basically the official Infinity tournament system. This November we are running the 3rd event, so any NO3 reference I'll make in my articles is Northern Open 3. This one is sold out but we are planning to run them every few months next year, so check it out if you are interested and you should totally come!

The current event:

Also our FB group has album with some of the tables we had in NO2.

I have attended the last two events and this time I am aiming to win it. I'll write about my experiences in some other articles but in short, first time I played Bakunin sectorial (Nomads) and came last, second time I played Morat Aggression Force sectorial (Combined Army) and came on 7th place (if I remember right). I was happy with that but I could have done better, I lost one game pretty bad because I didn't stick with my battle plan and I think I could have gotten more victory points if I didn't end one or two games sooner because the result was obvious. I feel kinda bad when I am winning too much, so I try not to table my opponents but this time, no mercy!

I will be taking Caledonian Highlander Army to NO3 and I been practicing my game for weeks. There is a tournament week before NO3 that I will be attending as well which should help, I like to practice against people I don't play often.

As with any ITS tournament I have two army lists, one for objective based missions, the other is more about just killing stuff. I am happy with my objectives lists, it has everything I need and if I don't fuck up anything I should draw at worst. My other list is still work in progress, the main thing I can't decide on is what will be my Alpha link team. I want to run William Wallace and since he can link with anyone, I am trying things out.

So far I have ruled out Wulvers, too expensive, and Scots Guard, too slow. My favourite are 3rd Grey Rifles so far, but due to their cost I only have 3 man link team. I think I will revisit 5-man 45th Rifle team, or try Volunteers team, since both of those are relatively cheap on points. The other thing I need to decide on is if I am going to be aggressive or not. It is how I play Caledonia (as you should) and I don't feel right hiding but in a mission where you need to survive, it has some value. Next few practice games should help me decide, for now I know I really missed my Cameronian when I tried Wulver instead. So my list will be likely build around Cameronian, McMurrough and Wallace. For defense I found Cateran and Missile Launcher Scots Guard with camo to be a good combo.

I am not going to reveal my full lists since people I'll play against might be reading this! But after the event I will get down into reviewing each list for sure.

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