Monday 14 December 2015

Photos from Phoenix Games event

The event organizer James posted about the last tournament from his perspective, with rankings after each game and also some photos that he took.

You can read the posts (there are two parts) on the Infinity forums:

Also here is a link to the Phoenix Games Facebook group, its where the event was held. Its a really nice store with friendly staff.

I have selected photos that were relevant to me, but the posts have few more.

In the first one we have my favourite link team of Isobel and Volunteers. Above them there is my 112 Emergency Service and Volunteer Lieutenant, both were Prone there whole game and didn't do anything, their job was not to die really. Though the Doctor was ready to heal my Scots Guard who was to the left on the same roof, outside of the photo.This was from my first game.

This was my opponent's link team that took out the Scots Guard with Shock Sniper rifle, so my Doctor didn't have a chance to heal him. I can't remember the name of these guys but they all had MSV Lv2.

This is also during the first game, I am at the very back. As you can see there were three tables next to each another and the best part was, all three Ariadna Sectorials were next to each another (nobody played vanilla Ariadna). Me with Caledonians, then James with the French in the middle (on the right side of the table) and Tom had USAriadna (he is on the left, standing). 

This is not my game but it is the table I played my second game on. My deployment was on the right side of the photo and I was facing off against Military Orders. 

Same as the photo above, this is just to show the table where I was fighting for the victory. We were playing on the closer table (the one wit city mat). My deployment was on the right side of the photo and most of my army (in points) moved only between the closest edge (it was left bottom from my perspective when playing) and the green crate thats around the middle. My opponent had most of his army in middle of the board.

And here is my battle cry of Victory!

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