Wednesday 30 November 2016

Infinity Winter Soldiers


The long awaited Winter Soldiers event finally came the other weekend. It lived up to its name as the venue was right cold when we got there! But it was a fun day nevertheless. Our mates managed to get last minute tickets so most of our group traveled and I think it was the first time we managed to get 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for Leeds. Unfortunately, I was not in one of those top places, I was somewhere near the bottom.

To my defense I took my Japanese Sectorial Army and my army list is pretty bad, its just made of the only 13 JSA models I have. But they are fully painted and quite nice, so I wanted to take them to an event for a long time now. If nothing else it allowed me to just have fun with the games, which I enjoyed.

This event stood out because it had massive price support. Like they filled two long tables with just stuff to give out, everything from box sets to t-shirts to painting accessories, it was pretty cool and everyone walked away with something. Maybe for the next event I'll try harder to win something good.

My Army

I only had this one list. Everything in the photo below was in it, plus a WarCor. The Hakamari were with Light Shotguns, Kempei had Boarding Shotgun and my three Line Troops with Combi-Rifles were Medic, Hacker and Forward Observer.

Game 1: Frontline - JSA vs The Neoterran Angels
Won 6 to 3 (2 TPs)

You could say it was fate that I was matched against Tim in the first round. Tis was time to reclaim my honour. It was an epic battle of wits and skill, and I, Pete the Destroyer, have won the day! ... okay I might have exaggerated a little. I actually won by accident. Here is how it really went down:

I won the roll in this game and decided to go first. I knew the army I was playing wasn't that good so I thought my best course of action would be to use my super ninjas to cut down as much of Tim's force as possible. I actually did not realize how crazy open the table was on one side, like I should have got down to check on ground level because it didn't look that way from top view. At any case, Tim chose the side with the better ARO positions. Since we were playing Frontline I deployed my army in a way that I thought would help me to get into defensible positions outside of my Deployment Zone (DZ).

After Tim deployed, I figured who the Lt was quite easy because it was the only option on the board. He deployed the Fusilier behind a building and on each corner had another unit, which I meant to take advantage of. I deployed my Oniwaban in Hidden Deployed just outside of Tim's DZ, near the building. Fortunately he passed his Infiltration roll too. So that was how my first turn started. I moved him as TO marker to the building, he was discovered by Aquila Guard but ended his movement outside of everyone's LoF so went back to TO marker state before moving out to shoot a Doctor with a Boarding Shotgun. The blast also hit the Lt, who was the main target.

It worked, Tim failed all Dodge and ARM saves on both units. The Oniwaban also took a shot at Auxilier, but I think I only killed his Flamer REM. The rest of the turn didn't go as well. Tim had me locked down in my DZ with two Total Reaction HMG REMs, Aquila Guard with HMG and also Hexa sniper that appeared later. I tried to use one of my Missile Launchers to take some of them out but it didn't work. Both of my Fireteams were unable to move.

Since Tim was in Loss of Lt, he just spent his whole turn killing my Oniwaban with the Aquila Guard (after spending all his remaining Command Tokens to make Regular Orders) and then moving back to the same place. I think he might have reveal some of his other TO tokens but not much else happened since all my stuff were hidden.

My second turn was pretty uneventful. My two remaining Haramaki just cancelled their own Extreme Impetuous Orders and my other Fireteam, still on 5-men, tried to attack the Hexa but failed. So I focused on my Domaru instead. He walked into the building in front of him, getting shot by TR HMG REMs and other AROs but Dodging them all, like a boss. He then spent remaining Orders on taking shots at Tim's second Flamer REM but did nothing to it.

Luckily for me, Tim was kind enough to kill the Flamer REM himself by walking it into a mine in plain sight! He was trying to use it against my Fireteam but forgot about a mine he discovered in the previous turn (it was on a roof, placed there by Yuri's Minelayer skill). Since he wasted the Orders already, Tim used the Auxilia to attack the Fireteam but got killed too. He then also moved two of his TO markers towards my DZ.

The last turn was just about trying to get everyone into some zone. One of the Haramaki survived all the AROs as they just run forward. The Fireteam moved into a building where it was safe from AROs and I hoped it took them out of the DZ, or at least two of them. It did appear far enough. Most of my Orders I spent on Shinobu. She was deployed where I thought she could use Smoke to block LoF so the Fireteam could advance, but Tim had too many AROs so I didn't see the point using her sooner. I managed to move her into the furthest zone from my DZ and put her into a building where she'd be hard to reach if Tim wanted to go kill her. I did give him a free ARO by mistake, which made him reveal Swiss Guard Hacker but I rolled double 14 for ARM save against his DA Multi-Rifle!

Since my army was so spread out and not much left of it, Tim had more or less free reign around the board. The only wildcard was that I used my Classified Card for zone points while Tim used it as Objective. First Tim moved one of his TR REMs, the Aquila and Sniper Hexa into the zone in front of his DZ (where I had Shinobu) to make sure he had control of it. Since the zone in front of my DZ would give him the most points, Tim moved his TO marker and the Swiss Guard there. He tried to hack my HVT with it. The first time failed and with second attempt, he moved really close to the building where my Fireteam was. My hacker tried to hack the Swiss Guard but I had no way of killing it.

In the end, Tim did control the zone in front of his DZ. I had control over the middle zone as I had Domaru there and Tim had nothing. Then it turned out my whole Fireteam did not make it out of my DZ and the Swiss Guard walked into my DZ too! So all Tim had was one TO Marker, which was another Hexa. I had Warcor, Yaozao REM and a Haramaki, then I added extra 20pts with my Card to win that zone! So Tim basically lost by moving his Swiss Guard too far, and that is how I won by accident. 

Game 2: Decapitation - JSA vs Neoterran Capitaline Army
Lost 4 to 10 (0 TPs)

I thought I could do better in the second round as the mission was Decapitation and I had one of the best assassins in my army. Looking back though, I chose deployment zone instead of the first turn (I won Lt roll), which did not turn out to be as good. At that time I just thought I could bunker down and let my opponent spread his army a bit. Unfortunately Kai, my opponent, had sensor bot near his Lt and expected me to have ninjas. Which gave me a "smart" idea of deploying Shinobu on a roof. Oniwaban I deployed near my Lt for added surprise protection.

The first turn went okay. Kai was worried about my Missile Launcher so he didn't advance with anyone but he did bring in some ALEPH AD REM unit which he gave Marksmanship Lv2 and it took care of my Missile Launchers real quick. I had really bad luck with rolls, whatever I rolled, he managed to get 1 or 2 higher. The only other thing that moved forward was a Pathfinder REM with a little Flamer pal. Which I did take out in ARO from Hakamari.

My first turn was pretty uneventful. Since Kai did not move most of his army I could not get Shinobu safely down from the three-stories building or even do like a lean-out to at least shoot the Lt. I was saving that as the last turn measure. Instead I moved Yuri close to the other units to get me back to full 5-man Fireteam and positioned them to face the AD REM that was on my right flank. I also tried to heal my Missile Hakamari but managed to kill him.

Turned out, the Fireteam was barely a speed bump for the REM who just managed to out-roll me in every way again. Kai killed 3 of the 5 troops and then found a path that I did not see to speak up on my Lt. My rolls were again pretty bad and he managed to kill my Domaru. The only benefit was, it ate all his Orders.

I chose Kempei to be my next Lt and then used him to take out the AD REM. At least his Boarding Shotgun worked to kill it. The stupid thing on my part was, I did not count the Orders properly and when I had none left he was standing up instead of hiding on the roof Prone.

Kai first went to attack my exposed Lt with his Bulleteer REM. Thankfully I was able to Isolate it with surviving Hakamari before it got too close. It did not help as Kai still had enough Orders to get his Bolt Fireteam into position and shoot my Lt with a Missile Launcher. I of course failed all the rolls.

In my last turn I did not even attack with anything, there was nothing I could do and killing one Lt would not help me so I kept Shinobu hidden for Victory Points (surviving army points). The only Objective Points I had in the end was from Classified, I did Forward Observer an unconscious REM and then did Coup de Grace it in the first turn. Kai on other hand did one of his Classified, Secured HVT, killed more Lts and more Army points (I barely killed anything of his).

Game 3: Biotechvore - JSA vs Ariadna
Lost 1 to 8 (0 TPs)

Somehow in the last game I was paired up against James (my mate from Leeds). I knew I had no shot at ranking well and not much chance against his 12 camo markers list either, so I decided to just have fun with the mission. I selected to go first and wanted to at least get my Classified and then use my super ninjas to take out as many of his units as I could. Unfortunately I deployed my big Fireteam in a stupid place and James took advantage of it by placing a Briscard with Rocket Launcher in their LoF. Thankfully though, he failed all but two Infiltration rolls.

In my first turn the Hakamari Missile Launcher did Discover & Shoot against camo markers he could see and killed at least Uxia, I think I liked one more later one too. Then I had to go deal with the Briscard before anything else. I also hoped the camo marker next to him was Spetsnaz. I sacrificed my Oniwaban to have a shot. The Shotgun blast killed the camo marker which turned out to be a Cateran, but the Briscard escaped. At this point I was under the impression that Biotechvore Zone kicks in at the end of the whole turn so I left my AROs weapons in the virus zone to stop James' advance but only half way through his turn we realized you do the BTS checks at the end of your Active turn. Which resulted in most of my army dying to the virus.

Though before we realized that my Keisotsu Missile Launcher was absolute boss, killing every Impetuous unit James had. Even managed a double crit in one roll! The fact he died to the zone did not change much as my other Missile Launcher survived and also kept hitting. James spent his turn just advancing all his unit and camo markers. He left very few in the virus zone.

The rest of the game wasn't much different. My army was dropping like flies and James kept moving camo markers around. I didn't realizing during the game, he told me afterwards, that at one point I revealed his camo Lt but he quickly went back to camo. My own Lt went balls out and just hunt down camo markers, even getting into CC. That was in my last turn. I also stayed Engaged with the unconscious Foxtrot so when James was shooting at my Lt with the Birscard, he hit his own unit twice but both times passed the ARM rolls. But the third time he managed to hit my Lt failed and I failed all of his rolls.

In the end he didn't get full 10 Objective Points because I somehow managed to kill more than half of his army. To my frustration he didn't even take Spetsnaz in this mission, and I was hunting for it the whole time!

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