Tuesday 28 June 2016

USARF "Speed Painting", Part 1

Carrying from my USARF conversions, the next natural step is to paint the army! I bet many of you are like me and ended up with too many armies too quick, and don't have enough time to paint them all. Since I do not have an airbrush yet, I decided to try "speed paint" with just a paintbrush. From what I understand with airbrush people are able to undercoat an army with some highlights quite quick and then pick out the details with a paintbrush; which is the idea behind this.

The plan is to get all of the models undercoated with green, dry brushed for some highlights and washed with dark colour for some shadows. Then I will follow it up painting the straps, skin, weapons and other details in different colours. I might also do some camouflage, haven't decided yet.

Inspiration for my USARF army was taken from this image, where the uniforms are green camo and more or less everything else is black. I want my USARF army to be very uniform in their look, so they look more like a regular army.

The first step was to get everything green (well, all but the K-9 Antipode, the wolf will be mostly grey so I will do that one differently). I have used The Army Painter "Army Green" spray for undercoat, then Games Workshop "Rotting Flesh" (old name for the colour, it is very light green, like if you mixed little bit of bright green into white) for dry brush and finished it with Games Workshop "Nuln Oil" (black) wash. I think the result is quite nice, even completely green the details have definition thanks for the darker shades and brighter edge highlights.

The whole process didn't take long either and I have done around 30 minis this way. Though I am fairly certain the next step will take lot longer as I will be painting all the straps and weapons black, plus some of the pouches.

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